A Growth and seed yield of seven fennel cultivars with two types of ploughing systems





Fennel, Cultivars, Tillage, Non-Tillage, PCA, Medicinal Plants


A field experiment was carried out in Abu Ghraib district-Baghdad Iraq, to evaluate 7 fennel cultivars with ploughing systems. Two tillage systems (tillage and no-tillage) were allocated to main plots, while 7 fennel cultivars: Amigo, Azuria, Dollap, Hannan, Romanesco, Sahoo and Sajjet were allocated to subplots. Characteristics that had been studied were plant height, number of branches, number of umbels, number of umbellates, number of seeds per umbellate, stem diameter, weight of 1000 grains, and seed yield per ha. Significant results were with the no-till system in plant height (134.97 cm. plant-1) and number of umbels (43.56 umbel plant-1). The tillage system's significant results were in the number of seeds, weight of 1000 seeds (8.72 g), and yield per ha (490.03 kg ha-1). Hannan-cultivar remarks yield per ha (742.99 kg ha-1) and 1000-seed weight (10.90 g). Azuria-cultivar remarks on number of seeds of umbellets (24.44 seeds umbellate-1). Romanesco-cultivar remarks on the number of umbels (48.72 umbel plant-1). Therefore, cultivars varied in showing their latent ability through their performance with their phenotypic characteristics. Hannan cultivar was optimal in results that gave the highest seed yield. Thus, it can be entered into a crop breeding program with other cultivars that have outperformed in other characteristics.



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29-03-2024 — Updated on 01-04-2024


How to Cite

Ziydan B, Alrawi M, F Almehemdi A, Sekhi Y. A Growth and seed yield of seven fennel cultivars with two types of ploughing systems. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];11(2). Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/3196



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