Impact of packaging and storage conditions on marigold seed quality: Physiological and biochemical perspectives




marigold, packaging container, seed viability, storage conditions, vigour index


Marigold is an important ornamental crop highly valued for its aesthetic appeal and versatile applications in horticulture, medicine and environmental sustainability. However, declining seed viability and vigour present significant challenges in marigold seed preservation. This research investigated the influence of various storage conditions and packaging materials on the germination and vigour traits of the Pusa Narangi Gainda variety. The marigold seeds were kept in various packaging and storage conditions: cloth bags (T0), aluminium foil pack in ambient condition (T1), aluminium foil vacuum pack in ambient condition (T2), aluminium foil pack at 5 oC (T3) and aluminium foil vacuum pack at 5 oC (T4). The results suggest that storing seeds in aluminium foil vacuum pack at 5 oC positively impacted germination and biochemical parameters like catalase and peroxidase activity. These findings underscore the importance of optimal storage conditions for enhancing seed longevity and vigour in marigold.


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How to Cite

Nourin MP, Vigneshwari R, Umarani R, Manonmani V, Ganga M, Selvi DT, Kavitha S. Impact of packaging and storage conditions on marigold seed quality: Physiological and biochemical perspectives. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from:

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