Effect of sowing methods, spacings, and fertilizer levels on quantitative and qualitative traits and economics of brown top millet (Brachiaria ramosa L.) under different cropping seasons





brown top millet, growth, quality, yield, cost, benefit


A field study was conducted during the Summer, Kharif, and Rabi seasons of 2023-2024 to evaluate brown top millet under two sowing methods (direct sowing and transplantation), three spacing configurations (20 x 10, 30 x 10 and 45 x 10 cm), and three fertilizer doses (75% of the recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) (45:20:15 kg ha-1), 100% RDF (60:30:20 kg ha-1), and 125% RDF (75:40:25 kg ha-1)). The study was designed as a factorial randomized complete block design assessing growth, yield, thiamine content, and economics. The results indicated that the summer season was more favorable for growth than the Kharif and Rabi seasons. Direct sown crops (E1) exhibited significantly higher growth attributes, yield, and economics than transplanted crops (E2). The spacing configuration of 45 x 10 cm (S3) recorded significantly superior growth and yield parameters compared to 20 x 10 cm (S1). Applying 125% RDF (N3) resulted in significantly enhanced growth, yield, quality, and economic return compared to 75% RDF. Among the interactions, the combination of direct sown with narrow spacing and 125% RDF (E1 x S1 x N3) led to significantly higher growth parameters. In comparison, the combination of direct sowing with wider spacing and 125% RDF (E1 x S3 x N3) resulted in higher grain yields (2005, 1759, 1548 kg ha-1) and benefit-cost ratios (2.64, 2.58, and 2.58) across the same seasons. However, the differences in grain yield among the treatment combinations were statistically non-significant. These findings provide a valuable foundation for future research and agricultural practices aimed at maximizing the potential of brown top millet.



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How to Cite

Abhigna D, Kalpana R, Geetha P, Janaki P, Radhamani S, Ravichandran V. Effect of sowing methods, spacings, and fertilizer levels on quantitative and qualitative traits and economics of brown top millet (Brachiaria ramosa L.) under different cropping seasons. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 12];11(sp4). Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/5075

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