Revolutionizing agriculture: Innovative bioinoculant formulation technologies for sustainability
biocontrol, biofertilizer, formulations, microorganisms, PGPRAbstract
Microbes are essential for sustainable agriculture, helping to reduce dependency on harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Researchers are actively seeking solutions as researchers become increasingly aware of the adverse effects of urbanization and population growth. Studies on plant disease management highlight the benefits of biocontrol agents and biofertilizers for enhancing plant growth and development alongside their delivery mechanisms. While laboratory formulations show potential, their effectiveness often diminishes in field applications due to a lack of understanding of delivery systems. A comprehensive examination of the entire bioformulation process-from isolating beneficial microorganisms to production-is necessary. Various bioformulations exist, each with distinct advantages and limitations. Innovative formulation strategies are being explored to extend shelf life and improve delivery efficiency, enhancing field productivity and reducing environmental impact. The interplay between bioformulation technology and precision agriculture further emphasizes opportunities for optimizing resource use and minimizing costs. A key challenge remains in developing advanced bioformulation technologies that yield environmentally safe, user-friendly products with optimal field performance, ultimately replacing harmful chemicals. This review critically evaluates the latest developments in formulation types, field efficacy and the factors hindering widespread adoption.
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