Taste and choice: A comprehensive conjoint analysis of processed mango juice attributes





Conjoint analysis, consumer preference, processed mango drink, product attributes, packaging materials, sweeteners, multinomial logit regression


The food processing sector in India is experiencing significant growth, driven by urbanization, population expansion, and evolving consumer lifestyles. Among the various segments, the market for processed mango juice is rapidly expanding, especially in the Asia Pacific region due to the increasing demand of consumers for natural and nutritious beverages. In India, the processed mango juice market is also expected to grow substantially, supported by major brands foreseeing the immense market potential. This is further aided by a favourable climate for mango cultivation. Despite challenges such as seasonal availability and price fluctuations, consumer preferences are shifting towards healthier options, positioning the processed mango juice market for continued expansion in the coming years. This study focuses on consumer preferences towards the major attributes of processed mango drinks. Utilizing a purposive sampling method, data were collected from 150 respondents through questionnaires and interviews, supplemented by secondary data analysis. The research employed percentage analysis to assess consumer preferences, revealing insights into demographic characteristics that can inform marketing strategies. Additionally, a choice-based conjoint analysis was conducted to explore consumer trade-offs among product attributes—flavour, packaging material, sweeteners, and price—highlighting the importance of these factors in shaping consumer choices. The findings indicated that flavour and sweeteners are the primary factors driving consumer preferences, with a significant emphasis on taste over price and packaging considerations, ultimately leading to the identification of the most preferred product combinations based on total utility values.


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How to Cite

Gayathri K, Samsai T, Selvanayaki S, Prahadeeswaran M, Gangai SR. Taste and choice: A comprehensive conjoint analysis of processed mango juice attributes. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/5612

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