Comparative morphology and phenetics of Nymphoides species in Kerala


  • P Pavisha KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences (MBGIPS), Kozhikode 673 014, Kerala, India
  • N S Pradeep KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences (MBGIPS), Kozhikode 673 014, Kerala, India
  • P V Madhusoodanan KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences (MBGIPS), Kozhikode 673 014, Kerala, India



dendrogram, phenetics, Menyanthaceae, Nymphoides


Aquatic plants play an important role in maintaining the ecosystem balance. Nymphoides Seguier (Menyanthaceae) is an emergent, rhizomatous or stoloniferous genus, commonly known as “floating hearts”, identified by its rounded or cordate, floating leaves, petiole like branches and unique floral characters. The present study deals with the comparative morphology and the phenetics of Nymphoides spp. in Kerala. These species are classified into two groups with the help of the dendrogram, which showed 66% dissimilarities among the two groups. N. parvifolia and N. balakrishnanii are closely related species in one group and N. krishnakesara and N. macrosperma are closely related species in other group.



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How to Cite

Pavisha P, Pradeep NS, Madhusoodanan PV. Comparative morphology and phenetics of Nymphoides species in Kerala. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2020 May 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];7(2):233-9. Available from:



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