Seed storage studies in Mesua ferrea L. a medicinal tree of Indo-Malayan region




Mesua ferrea, Seed viability, Seed storage, moisture loss


This paper, deals with testing the storage and viability of the seeds of Mesua ferrea L. in 5 different storage conditions. Seeds of M. ferrea are recalcitrant in nature and lose viability with a short span 8-15 days. Of the different conventional methods tried using the polycarbonate bottle and bags, M. ferrea seeds retained viability for 150 days with a slow moisture loss from the seeds stored in closed polycarbonate bottles at 10 °C. Here, we have standardised a conventional technique whereby the viability of the seeds can be extended to 150-180 days by storing the seeds in polycarbonate bottles at 10 °C.



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How to Cite

Mithun V, Pradeep NS, Krishnan PN. Seed storage studies in Mesua ferrea L. a medicinal tree of Indo-Malayan region. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];8(3):712–716. Available from:



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