Structure of coenopopulations and phytocoenotic confinement of Paeonia tenuifolia L. in floristic complexes of Oka-Don lowland




Rare species, Floristic surrounding, Ontogenetic spectra, Protection


Paeonia tenuifolia L. is a rare and protected plant of Saratov region classified as 2 (V) vulnerable species. It has been established that in Kalininsky district, Saratov region, this plant is characterized by narrow environmental amplitude and is exerted to anthropogenic impacts, the coenopopulations are isolated from each other. Existence of the species in communities of the meadow–steppe floristic complexes of Kalininsky district has confirmed that peony is heliophyte, xeromesophyte, eutrophic plant and calcicole. Photophily of P. tenuifoliais confirmed first of all by its high abundance and occurrence in open steppe communities. In both coenopopulations of P.tenuifolia, the indices of recovery have been higher than 1 (CP 1 Irec = 3.38, CP 2 Irec = 1.67), that is, the coenopopulations are relatively steady, numerous seeds are generated giving birth to viable individuals. The index of replacement showing the ratio of the density of regrowth to total mature fraction of the population has been higher in CP 1 (Irepl = 0.80) and lower in CP 2 (Irepl = 0.67). Moderate index of maturing evidence long-term existence of the species in the generative state.


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How to Cite

Zanina MA, Smirnova EB. Structure of coenopopulations and phytocoenotic confinement of Paeonia tenuifolia L. in floristic complexes of Oka-Don lowland. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(4):663–668. Available from:



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