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Cleaning up black carbon using plant strategies




Air pollution, Aerosol capture, Phytoremediation pathway, Plant strategies, Sustainable practices


Black carbon aerosol is able to absorb solar radiation and the earth's surface, which results in warming of the air. In addition, aerosols that are directly absorbed through inhalation can have a negative impact on human health. Meanwhile, the ability of air to reduce the level of pollution is the deconcentrating of pollutants through abiotic mechanisms in the form of distribution, dilution, precipitation and washing when it rains. To strengthen the abiotic approach, this study aims to develop a biotic strategy by preparing plants capable of deconcentrating black carbon. The research method is based on a literature review, which specifically addresses the issue of black carbon. Literature is collected from the Mendeley platform and enriched through resource searches in open access journals. The results obtained are cleaning priorities for the closest source of aerosol generation, plant placement in priority areas, selection of plant species, intensification of vegetation quality and management of land cover extensification. The contribution of biotic strategies and phytoremediation pathways enhances the aerosol cleaning process. Plant maintenance and regeneration determine the sustainability of aerosol phytoremediation.


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How to Cite

Samudro H, Samudro G, Mangkoedihardjo S. Cleaning up black carbon using plant strategies. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];. Available from:



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