Assessing Oral Acute Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Strelitzia reginae Aiton Leaf Extracts in Zebrafish (Danio rerio Hamilton)




Strelitzia reginae, Danio rerio, Mineral content, GC-MS, Toxicity, Histopathology


Strelitzia reginae, commonly known as the Bird of Paradise, is a decorative shrub endemic to southern Africa. This study marks the first comprehensive investigation into the safety of S. reginae leaf extract through oral acute toxicity assessments and histopathological examinations in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). The interest in this research arises from the historical use of S. reginae components by various indigenous South African societies to treat conditions like swollen glands and sexual problems. GC-MS analysis was used along with traditional methods to look at the phytochemical parts of S. reginae. The results showed the presence of several substances, such as eicosane, hexacosane, 1-octadecene, and neophytadiene. Notably, the analysis also identified certain chemicals with potential cytotoxic properties, such as octacosane and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Drawing upon the biological similarities between Zebrafish and humans, who share a majority of their genes, this study represents the first attempt to evaluate the toxicity and histopathology of S. reginae using D. rerio as the test model, aligning with the OECD recommendations outlined in Article 203. The oral acute toxicity tests were done using ethanolic leaf powdered extracts of S. reginae. Higher concentrations (1200 mg/L) were toxic, but lower doses were less harmful to D. rerio. As observed in the histopathology examination, exposure to higher concentrations of S. reginae extract induced severe histological abnormalities in the Zebrafish's gills, liver, kidneys, intestines, and brain. This work contributes greatly to our understanding of S. reginae's safety profile and its potential therapeutic applications for enhancing well-being.


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06-03-2024 — Updated on 01-04-2024


How to Cite

Omnes DS, Xavier J, Suresh A. Assessing Oral Acute Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Strelitzia reginae Aiton Leaf Extracts in Zebrafish (Danio rerio Hamilton). Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(2). Available from:



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