Mushroom alkaloids as nutraceuticals, bioactive and medicinal properties: a preliminary review
alkaloids, bioactivities, antimicrobial, nematicidal, immunomodulatory, neutraceuticalsAbstract
Mushroom alkaloids are quite interesting due to their distinct secondary metabolites. Alkaloids are a class of secondary metabolites that are found in different types of organisms. The primary focus of this study is the alkaloids that were taken out of the mushrooms. Mainly the mushrooms alkaloids are classified as 2 groups like indoles and isoxazoles. In the present paper 68 distinct alkaloids produced from mushrooms were attempted to be listed under 24 distinct groups; i.e. 24 alkaloids were kept under Indole group, 5 different alkaloids were kept under ? - carboline group and pyrroloquinoline group, 4 different alkaloids were kept under pyrrole group, and 3 different alkaloids were mentioned under quinoline groups. Mushrooms were used as food in many parts of the world. The alkaloids obtained from mushrooms showing different bioactivities like antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-obesity, anti - ageing, nematicidal, helmintic, against cardiovascular disease and as antiasthmatic agent. Mushrooms were widely used in the traditional medicine of many countries like china, India, Taiwan, Japan etc. these mushrooms became great resources for many groups of alkaloids with bioactivities which should be useful in present day modern clinical and pharmacological research. The present review aims at listing the applications of mushroom alkaloids in different fields like medicine, health science, pharmacy etc.
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