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Efficacy of nano urea in replacing conventional nitrogen application and its effect on fruit quality in strawberry




Azotobacter, biochemical, conventional urea, nano-urea, quality, strawberry, responsible consumption, production


In a study conducted on strawberry cv. Winter Dawn, the combined application of nano urea and Azotobacter was investigated for its impact on quality and biochemical attributes under protected cultivation. The findings revealed a noteworthy response of strawberry plants to foliar nano applications compared to conventional soil application of urea. Despite the lower nitrogen dosage associated with nanoparticle supplementation, strawberries with nanoparticles exhibited significant improvements in qualitative and biochemical parameters. These results underscore the potential of urea nanoparticles as a viable nitrogen source, advocating for alternative approaches to nitrogen fertilization. By fine-tuning the dosage ratio, this strategy shows promise in fostering a more environmentally friendly, sustainable and modern method for cultivating strawberries. The enhanced quality and biochemical attributes observed in strawberries treated with nano urea highlight the efficacy of this innovative approach in optimizing plant growth and productivity. Furthermore, the utilization of nano urea in combination with Azotobacter demonstrates synergistic effects, potentially enhancing nutrient uptake and utilization efficiency in plants. This holistic approach improves crop quality and reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional fertilization methods. In conclusion, the findings of this study support the adoption of urea nanoparticles as a valuable tool in strawberry cultivation, offering a pathway towards sustainable agricultural practices. Future research efforts should focus on optimizing application protocols and assessing long-term effects to fully exploit the potential of nano-based fertilizers for strawberry.


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How to Cite

Shaifali, Manish Bakshi, Meenakshi Rana, Nidhi Chauhan, Jatinder Singh Dhaliwal, Sreethu S, Rajeev Kumar Gupta. Efficacy of nano urea in replacing conventional nitrogen application and its effect on fruit quality in strawberry. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];. Available from:



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