Assessment of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)


  • Anil Kumar Vasa Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 003, Odisha, India
  • Gobinda Chandra Acharya IIHR- Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar 751 019, Odisha, India
  • Ponnam Naresh Division of Vegetable Crops, IIHR, Hessaraghatta, Bangalor 560 089, Karnataka, India
  • AVV Koundinya Department of Vegetable Science, IIHR- Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar 751 019, Odisha, India
  • Gouri Shankar Sahu Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 003, Odisha, India
  • Pradyumna Tripathy Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 003, Odisha, India
  • Srinivas Petikam Department of Plant Pathology, IIHR- Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar 751 019, Odisha, India
  • Anil Reddy Adamala IIHR- Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar 751 019, Odisha, India
  • Gowtham Singh Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 003, Odisha, India



brinjal, Solanum melongena, bacterial wilt resistance, PCV, GCV, heritability, genetic advance as a percentage of the mean


Brinjal breeding lines of the F3 population (IC0598430 X CARI 1) were evaluated to estimate variability, heritability and genetic advance for different characters. Moderate PCV and GCV values were recorded for stem diameter, fruit weight and yield per plant. At the same time, low PCV and GCV were found for plant height, days to 50 % flowering, fruit length, fruit width, fruit length breadth ratio, fruit pedicel length, fruit pedicel diameter, number of branches per plant and number of fruits per plant. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for fruit weight and yield per plant exhibiting that the traits are controlled by additive gene action. Therefore, direct selection may be followed for improving brinjal yield by examining these characters. In the grouping of the F3 population into immune, highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, susceptible and highly susceptible as per the percentage of bacterial wilt disease incidence (PDI), all the lines understudy reported to be highly resistance.


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05-12-2024 — Updated on 01-01-2025


How to Cite

Vasa AK, Acharya GC, Naresh P, Koundinya A, Sahu GS, Tripathy P, Petikam S, Adamala AR, Singh G. Assessment of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) . Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 6];12(1). Available from:



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