Analysis of Vegetation and Plant Diversity in High Conservation Value Areas in Oil Palm Plantations




Diversity, HCV, Oil Palm, Plantation, Vegetation


The expansion of oil palm plantations is often rumored to impact the destruction of forests and other ecosystems with high conservation value (HCV). This study aimed to analyze the vegetation and plant diversity in the HCV area of oil palm plantations. The research was conducted on an oil palm plantation in Seruyan District, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia with an HCV area of 5379 ha. The research was carried out using the grid transect method on various types of vegetation, divided into four plots: seedlings, saplings, poles and trees. Parameters observed included the number of species, the number of individuals and the level of plant diversity. The results showed that the research location had good vegetation and plant diversity in the HCV area. There were 25 plant species from 17 families with a total of 355 plants. The number of species found in the seedling plots was 11 species (6 families) with a total of 38 plants; in the sapling plots was 16 species (12 families) with a total of 159 plants; in the pole plots was 14 species (11 families) with a total of 43 plants, and in the tree plots was 13 species (10 families) 115 plants. There was variation in the number of species and families in each plot. The overall plant diversity index was low. The diversity index of plants in the plots of seedlings, saplings, poles and trees (and the average) was in the low category.



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27-11-2023 — Updated on 05-01-2024


How to Cite

Nasution ED, Saidy AR, Priatmadi BJ, Hafizianor, Suwardi, Sukarman, Dasrial M, Alfiana HU, Jailani R. Analysis of Vegetation and Plant Diversity in High Conservation Value Areas in Oil Palm Plantations. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];11(1):296-307. Available from:



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