A review of the roles importance and threats of Apis florea
Apis andreniformis, Apis florea, foraging calendar, little bee, nest architecture, pollination efficiencyAbstract
Apis florea and its closely related sister species, Apis andreniformis, within the subgenus Micrapis, represent one of the most evolutionarily primitive lineages in the genus Apis. Unique features of A. florea include the elongated "thumb" on the drones' bifurcated basitarsus, smooth abdominal tergites with reddish pigmentation, and behaviours such as wax salvage, prolonged foraging, aggressive territoriality, and high genetic diversity attributed to its polygamous queens. A. florea nests are typically more giant and are often located on exposed surfaces such as trees, walls, and buildings, with preferred nesting plants including Pongamia pinnata, Mangifera indica, and Bougainvillea species. While A. florea can accept queens of A. andreniformis. A. florea dominates in various horticultural settings due to its resilience and significant role in pollinating crops like bitter gourd, carrot, moringa, coriander, and phalsa. The queen chamber of A. florea measures 1.41 ± 0.15 cm in depth and 0.47 ± 0.09 cm in diameter, while the worker bee cells measure 0.29 ± 0.15 cm in diameter and 0.93 ± 0.07 cm in depth. The dimensions of A. florea hives are generally larger. The bees gathered pollen and nectar from the same sources or in successive foraging visits from all the plant species except Spathodea campanulate. In India, domestication trials for A. florea have been attempted, though with limited yield, as honey is valued more for its medicinal properties than quantity. A. florea honey, rich in dextrins, levulose, and antioxidants such as proline and phenols, demonstrates high therapeutic potential. Due to the critical role of A. florea in natural and horticultural ecosystems and its distinct ecological adaptations, further research is encouraged to explore this species' impact in greater depth. Despite their phylogenetic similarity, A. florea stands out due to specific morphological and behavioural characteristics, which have not received substantial scientific attention. This review aims to consolidate information on A. florea, detailing its morphology, nesting habits, and ecological contributions, particularly in pollination and horticultural systems.
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