Advanced approaches for managing ber fruit fly (Carpomyia vesuviana Costa) in Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.) orchards
ber, Carpomyia vesuviana, C. incompleta, ecology, integrated pest management, Ziziphus spp.Abstract
Jujube, or Ber, a prominent fruit of arid zones, is heavily infested by fruit flies, primarily Carpomyia vesuviana Costa and C. incompleta Becker (Diptera; Tephritidae). These monophagous pests significantly reduce ber fruit yield and quality, with potential losses of up to 80% under severe infestations. The intensity of damage increases as the season progresses. In addition to Carpomyia species, jujube fruits are also attacked by fruit flies such as Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), B. correcta (Bezzi), and B. zonata (Saunders). This review focuses on the lesser-studied characteristics of Carpomyia species, particularly the key elements of taxonomic identification based on molecular and morphometric traits, as abundant literature is available on Bactrocera species. Furthermore, the review discusses the nature and extent of damage, seasonal incidence, the influence of environmental factors on population dynamics, and resistance mechanisms. Managing fruit flies in the ber ecosystem is challenging due to the complex of species involved but can be addressed through integrated approaches that include management, resistance mechanisms, and biological control.
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