Resilient soils for a changing climate: Navigating the future of sustainable agriculture
climate change, deforestation, resilience, soil conservation, soil healthAbstract
Climate change poses a critical threat to global food security and ecosystem sustainability, with soils serving as the backbone of the Earth’s ecosystems. This comprehensive review synthesizes the current understanding of how climate change impacts soil health, emphasizing the intricate interactions between soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increasingly frequent extreme weather events severely degrade soil structure, reduce fertility, and disrupt biodiversity. These changes accelerate soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and significantly diminish agricultural productivity. This review explores innovative strategies to enhance soil resilience, with a focus on conservation agriculture, cover cropping, and integrated nutrient management. Conservation agriculture practices improve soil structure and enhance water retention, while cover cropping increases soil organic matter and supports critical nutrient cycling processes. Integrated nutrient management ensures a balanced supply of essential nutrients and promotes beneficial microbial activity, further bolstering soil health and resilience. The importance of adopting a holistic, resilience-based approach to soil management to soil management is vital to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, preserve vital ecosystem services, and secure sustainable agricultural productivity for future generations. This review provides critical insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners, offering practical solutions to safeguard soil health and ensure food security in the face of the challenges posed by a rapidly changing climate.
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