Soil physical health sustenance: strategies and perspectives - A review




conservational agriculture, soil degradation, soil health, soil quality indices


Soil physical health sustenance is vital for ensuring sustainable agricultural output and environmental well-being. This review discusses several tactics and viewpoints targeted at protecting and promoting soil physical health. Soil health comprises its physical, chemical and biological characteristics, defining its capacity to sustain life. Degradation of soil physical health, caused by erosion, nutrient depletion and incorrect management methods, offers difficulties to agricultural sustainability, manifesting as reduced crop output and increased soil erosion. Soil physical qualities, including structure, porosity and water retention, directly influence plant development and ecosystem functioning. Effective soil management techniques, including practices like conservation tillage, covering crops and the use of organic amendments, are essential for preserving ideal soil physical conditions. Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as precision farming and remote sensing, provide innovative solutions for monitoring and managing soil health. However, constraints such as a lack of standardized assessment procedures and inadequate laboratory facilities restrict thorough soil health assessments. Future efforts should focus on multidisciplinary research to clarify the complex relationships among soil features and develop appropriate soil management solutions for varied agroecosystems. This analysis gives insights into soil physical health sustenance strategies and highlights the necessity of holistic soil management for resilient and sustainable agriculture.


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How to Cite

Bharathi M, Sivakumar K, Gopalakrishnan M, Vennila M, Anandham R, Sritharan N. Soil physical health sustenance: strategies and perspectives - A review. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from:

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