Sustainable cultivation practices and market trends of Indian sandalwood: A comprehensive review
conservation efforts, essential oils, medicinal properties, sustainable cultivation, technological advancementsAbstract
Indian sandalwood, renowned for its aromatic heartwood and essential oil, holds a revered status in traditional practices and modern industries. Its essential oil, celebrated for its exquisite fragrance, is a staple in perfumery, cosmetics and traditional medicine due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.Culturally, sandalwood is deeply embedded in Indian traditions, where it is used in religious ceremonies and for crafting sacred artifacts symbolizing purity and serenity. From an economic perspective, the high demand for sandalwood, coupled with its slow growth rate, presents significant challenges in its cultivation and conservation. This review addresses the over-exploitation of natural sandalwood resources, emphasizing the need for sustainable cultivation practices to ensure its future availability. such practices involve enhancing genetic strains, adapting to climate change and promoting biodiversity through agroforestry systems that provide multiple income streams for farmers. The review also highlights the critical challenges in cultivating sandalwood, such as its speciesspecific climatic requirements and susceptibility to pests and diseases. These challenges are compounded by the economic risks associated with the high value of sandalwood and its long maturity period, which can deter investment and conservation efforts. Technological advancements play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges, with innovations in biotechnology and precision agriculture enhancing yields and sustainability. The review advocates for a balanced approach that meets commercial demands while preserving ecological and cultural integrity. It calls for continued research, international cooperation and adaptive management strategies to secure a sustainable future for Indian Sandalwood cultivation and trade. Additionally, the review emphasizes the need for integrated approaches combining traditional knowledge with modern scientific and technological advances to optimize sandalwood cultivation.
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