Unveiling the multifaceted attributes of Bixa orellana: An insight into its chemical composition, industrial application and cultural significance





annatto, Bixa orellana L., bixin, natural dye, norbixin


Bixa orellana L., commonly known as annatto or the lipstick tree, is an evergreen shrub from the Bixaceae family. Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, it is now cultivated globally. Renowned for its striking red flowers and spiny fruits, B. orellana seeds produce annatto, a natural dye rich in bixin and norbixin pigments. These water- and oil-soluble carotenoids are widely used as natural food colorants, especially with the rising demand for synthetic dye alternatives. Beyond its industrial applications in food, cosmetics, leather and solar cells, B. orellana has traditional medicinal uses for treating conditions like gonorrhea, asthma and sore throats. Its bioactive components, including carotenoids and essential oils, offer antioxidant and hypoglycemic properties. This review highlights the pharmacological activities, phytochemical composition and industrial relevance of B. orellana, showcasing its diverse economic, botanical and cultural significance.



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07-02-2025 — Updated on 13-02-2025


How to Cite

Devanand PS, Radha P, Kumar P, Sivakumar B, Sivaprakash M, Kiruba M, Raja N, Utharasu S, Mangammal P, Anand G, Mathivanan M, Revathi R. Unveiling the multifaceted attributes of Bixa orellana: An insight into its chemical composition, industrial application and cultural significance. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];12(sp1). Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/6046

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