Assessing the genetic landscape of Kapok (Ceiba pentandra L. Gaertn) progeny trial: a cluster analysis for sustainable natural fibre resources




floss, genotypes, girth, heritability, variation


Ceiba pentandra, commonly known as the kapok tree or silk-cotton tree, exhibits diverse ecological roles, medicinal properties, economic value, and cultural significance. In this context, thirty-plus C. pentandra (kapok) trees were selected from various locations in the Theni and Dindigul districts of Southern Tamil Nadu based on superior traits by using the comparison tree method. Harvested pods provided seeds for establishing a progeny trial to evaluate seed source variation and other associated studies. Eleven traits were examined, including pod length, pod diameter, pod weight, shell weight, lint weight, floss weight, seed weight, number of seeds, tree height, girth at breast height, and number of branches. After two years and seven months, significant variations were observed among the genotypes in terms of biometric parameters and pod attributes of C. pentandra. Most characters, including pod weight, pod length, pod diameter, and floss weight, exhibited high heritability values and substantial genetic advances as a percentage of the mean. Cluster analysis categorized the thirty genotypes into four clusters. Notably, considering floss weight as a pivotal trait due to its significance as an alternate source of natural fibres, genotypes g28, g29, and g30 (originating from Sirumalai, Dindigul) were identified as superior to other genotypes. These genotypes can be utilized for further research programs to study genetic diversity at the genome level using advanced molecular tools.


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03-12-2024 — Updated on 01-01-2025


How to Cite

Banoo R, Murugesh M, Vaiyapuri K, Rajagopal B, Sujatha KB, Balamurugan J, Devanand PS. Assessing the genetic landscape of Kapok (Ceiba pentandra L. Gaertn) progeny trial: a cluster analysis for sustainable natural fibre resources. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];12(1). Available from:



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