Responses of cereals to nitrogen deficiency: Adaptations on morphological, physiological, biochemical, hormonal and genetic basis
adaptations, food security, low nitrogen, nitrogen use efficiency, productivity, sustainable agricultureAbstract
Nitrogen (N) is a primary macronutrient essential for plant growth and development. Global nitrogen fertilizer consumption is approximately 120 million tons, with nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) ranging between 25 % and 50 %. Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer poses significant risks to the envi ronment and living organisms, highlighting the need to reduce fertilizer ap plication, improve NUE, and sustain crop productivity. Sustainable agricul tural practices emphasize minimizing fertilizer usage. Therefore, developing high-NUE crop varieties capable of maintaining yields under reduced nitro gen input is critical for ensuring food security and protecting ecosystem. A promising strategy involves investigating plant responses to varying nitro gen levels, particularly under low-nitrogen conditions. This review explores the morphological, physiological, biochemical, hormonal, and genetic changes in cereals subjected to low-nitrogen conditions. Morphological adaptations include alterations in root and shoot architecture, while physi ological responses involve enhanced chlorophyll content, leaf nitrogen lev els, and photosynthetic efficiency. Biochemical changes are characterized by increased activity of nitrogen uptake and assimilation enzymes, accom panied by hormonal shifts such as elevated auxin levels in roots. These traits provide a foundation for developing nitrogen-efficient crop varieties. Future research should prioritize breeding crops with enhanced tolerance to low-nitrogen conditions to improve NUE, grain quality, and yield potential.
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