Influence of ethrel on spatiotemporal changes and biosynthesis of volatile metabolites of Mango cultivars
cost-effective, eco-friendly, ethrel, mango, physico-chemical properties, zero energy cool chamberAbstract
Mango, a highly preferred fruit known for its distinctive aroma and flavour, requires proper ripening to enhance its quality and shelf life. The use of calcium carbide for ripening has been banned due to its harmful effects on human health. While ethrel treatment in temperature-controlled chambers offers a safer alternative, it remains unaffordable for small-scale farmers and traders. This study evaluated mango ripening using ethrel in three chambers: silpaulin chamber, zero energy cool chambers and cold chamber. Among these, the zero-energy cool chambers demonstrated the most promising results. Fruits ripened in this chamber exhibited the lowest per cent disease index, indicating superior quality. Additionally, these fruits recorded higher colour values and total carotenoid content than those ripened in the cold chamber. The silpaulin chamber, however, showed increased antioxidant enzyme activity due to a higher respiration rate and disease index. Importantly, mangoes ripened in the zero energy cool chambers had the highest area percentage of volatile metabolites, which are key contributors to aroma and defence mechanisms. This suggests that the zero-energy cool chamber enhances fruit quality while minimizing postharvest losses. Besides being an eco-friendly and cost -effective alternative to traditional cold chambers, the zero-energy cool chamber can serve dual purposes. When not used for ripening, it can be utilized for the postharvest storage of fruits, effectively extending their shelf life. Thus, adopting zero-energy cool chambers offers a sustainable solution for small-scale mango traders and farmers.
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