Analyses of variability, euclidean clustering and principal components for genetic diversity of eight Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) genotypes




Genetic diversity, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability, genetic advance


An investigation was done to assess the genetic variability, character associations, and genetic diversity of eight jute genotypes for seven morphological traits in a randomised complete block design at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute during 15 March, 2018 to 31 December, 2019. Analyses results revealed significant differences (P<0.01) among all genotypes for studied traits indicating the presence of variability. All the lines performed better than one control (JRO-524), and the line (O-0412-9-4) provided good results for desired traits than all controls. Jute fibre yield showed the highest broad sense heritability (98.54%). The studied jute morphological traits i.e. Plant population, the plant height, green weight, dry fibre yield and dry stick yield gave high heritability along with high genotypic and phenotypic variances, genetic advances in percent of the mean, highly significant and positive correlations. It indicates the possibility of crop improvement through phenotypic selection and maximum genetic gain, simultaneously at the genotypic-phenotypic level. Clustering analysis grouped all genotypes into three distinct clusters. The cluster II showed the highest mean values for all traits followed by cluster I and III. The first two principal components with higher Eigen values (>1.0) accounted for 90.88% of the total variation in the principal component analysis. PCA and cluster analyses indicated that the advanced breeding line O-0412-9-4 made its individual cluster II with higher inter-cluster distance and higher fibre yield (3.12 t ha-1). The investigation was done to select the genotype(s) with good fibre yield and distinct features in respect of developing high yielding Tossa jute variety for cultivation in the farmers’ field. This genotype O-0412-9-4 was selected based on higher plant height, base diameter, fibre yield content. It will be developed as a high yielding variety considering its’ higher genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, significant associations for desirable characters.


Author Biographies

Md. Mia Mukul, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Ministry of Agriculture, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Scientific Officer, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Development of high yielding Olitorius jute varieties with stress tolerance ability.

Nargis Akter, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

Chief Scientific Officer and Head, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Leading the research works of Breeding Division of BJRI. Development of high yielding jute and allied fibre crop varieties with stress tolerance ability.

Md. Golam Mostofa, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

Principal Scientific Officer, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute. 

Research areas: Research on jute and allied fibre crop varieties for high yield and stress tolerance.

Md. Sohanur Rahman, Entomology Department, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Scientific Officer, Entomology Department, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Research on insect pests of jute and allied fibre crops.

Md. Al-Emran Hossain, Agronomy & Farming System Division, Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Ishurdi, Bangladesh.

Scientific Officer, Agronomy & Farming System Division, Bangladesh Sugar Crop Research Institute.

Research areas: Cultivation and farming system as well as management of sugar crops in Bangladesh.

Dinesh Chandra Roy, Breeding division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Breeding division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture.

Research areas: Development of high yielding crop varieties with stress tolerance ability through mutation (Gama radiation) techniques

Sadia Afrin Jui, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Scientific Officer, Breeding Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Development of high yielding Capsularis jute varieties with stress tolerance ability.

Md. Meftahul Karim, Jute Agricultural Experiment Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Manikganj, Bangladesh.

Jute Agricultural Experiment Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Research on jute and allied fibre crop varieties.

Jannatul Ferdush, Fiber Quality Improvement Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Manik Mia Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Fibre Quality Improvement Division, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Research on improvement of fibre quality of jute and allied fibre crop varieties.

Md. Mozammel Hoque, Jute Research Regional Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Rangpur, Bangladesh.

Jute Research Regional Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Data collection and field works of jute and allied fibre crop varieties.

Md. Abul Fazal Mollah, Jute Research Regional Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Rangpur, Bangladesh.

Jute Research Regional Station, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.

Research areas: Research on jute and allied fibre crop varieties in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

Mukul MM, Akter N, Mostofa MG, Rahman MS, Hossain MA-E, Roy DC, Jui SA, Karim MM, Ferdush J, Hoque MM, Mollah MAF. Analyses of variability, euclidean clustering and principal components for genetic diversity of eight Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) genotypes. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7(4):564–576. Available from:



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