Results obtained with EVOagri technology to improve yield using filtered water in Africa, Tibet, Italy and Bulgaria




EVOdrop technology, Water filtration, Africa, Nepal, Italy, Bulgaria


The effectiveness of the application of EVOagri technology for purification of water and its use in agriculture in some African countries (Zimbabwe, Burundi, Egypt and Uganda), Nepal (Asia) and in Europe (Italy and Bulgaria) was evaluated. The performance of EVOdrop turbine for water filtration was analysed and the physicochemical composition of water was tested. This was determined in compliance with Ordinance No. 9/2001, published in the Official State Gazette, issue 30, and decree No. 178/23.07.2004, Bulgaria, European Union on the quality of water intended for drinking and household purposes. The results showed a significant increase in production yield of the tested Solanum spp. and lettuces in Zimbabwe, as well as of dill, spinach and onions in Egypt. Treatment of high-salt irrigation water in Burundi with EVOagri reduced its toxic effect upon vegetable plants. In Uganda, plants absorbed 23% less water, when filtered with EVOagri technology. In Italy, 21% water conservation was achieved through the usage of EVOagri technology. Stimulation of seed-germination after soaking with EVOagri water was established in Burundi and Nepal. The importance of the type and composition of irrigation water for crop growth was proved by the experiments in Bulgaria. In Bulgaria, onion seeds were planted in two separate pots. The first one was watered with tap water and this was taken as the control sample with tap water. The second one was watered with EVOdrop filtered water which was saturated with EVOdrop hydrogen technology (EVOwater). In Bulgaria, under natural conditions, Evodrop water was also tested in beans and the growth result was 11 % better than the control sample.


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22-02-2023 — Updated on 01-04-2023


How to Cite

Huether F, Ignatov I, Kiselova-Kaneva Y, Popova TP, Bankova R, Neshev N, Gluhchev G, Karadzhov S, Valcheva N, Vassileva P, Ignatov AI, Angushev I, Todorova T, Angelcheva M. Results obtained with EVOagri technology to improve yield using filtered water in Africa, Tibet, Italy and Bulgaria. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];10(2):137-43. Available from:



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