Evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in different sowing times and transplanting and direct-seeding systems





Cultivar, Dorotea, Planting system, Root yield


To study the characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in transplanting and direct-seeding systems on three different sowing times (March 29, April 8, and April 18), a split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks in three replications was carried out in Miandoab and Bokan regions, Northwest of Iran in 2016. The results showed that the highest nitrogen content was observed between the two test locations in the Bukan area. Results showed that the low root sodium, alkalinity, and molasses content was recorded for transplanting system. The minimum content of root sodium, nitrogen, and molasses sugar was observed in the plants sown on March 29. The Dorotea cultivar showed the highest root yield, sugar yield, and white sugar yield and the lowest root nitrogen and molasses sugar content compared to Isabella and Ekbatan. The highest white sugar content, coefficient of sugar extraction, sugar yield, root yield, and white sugar yield were recorded in the transplanting system with the sowing time of March 29; however, the highest content of root potassium and sugar content was observed in the transplanting system sown on April 18. The highest root yield was observed in the Dorotea cultivar, with a sowing time of March 29. Among the locations in the cultivar and planting system interaction treatments, the highest sugar content was found in the Bukan area's Dorotea cultivar in the transplanting system. Finally, the highest sugar yield was related to the transplanting system on March 29 in the Bukan area. It can be stated that an early sowing time (March 29), transplanting, and Dorotea variety were identified as the most appropriate treatments to improve the economic traits of sugar beet.



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02-09-2023 — Updated on 02-10-2023


How to Cite

Miandoab SP, Dadashi MR, Mahmoudi TM, Siahmargue A, Norouzi HA. Evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet cultivars in different sowing times and transplanting and direct-seeding systems. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 19];10(4):215-23. Available from: https://horizonepublishing.com/journals/index.php/PST/article/view/2501



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