Citrus for wellness: Exploring the bioactive properties of Citrus medica fruit peel with emphasis on its anticancer, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anthelmintic properties
Anthelmintic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer, FaDu cell line, hypopharyngeal tumour, Citrus medicaAbstract
Citrus medica (Citron) is an underutilised plant consisting of various bioactive elements with numerous medicinal benefits. The present study aimed to evaluate the bioactive properties, including anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities, of chloroform extract obtained from the of fruit peel of C. medica. The different types of phytochemicals present in the chloroform extract were analysed using GC-MS. The major components detected included n-hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, t-tetradecenal, 1-nonadecene etc. Anthelmintic study was conducted using Eisenia fetida as a test organism, revealing a significant anthelmintic effect in the C. medica fruit peel extract compared to the standard drug. Antimicrobial properties were assessed against five test bacterial and fungal strains. Antibacterial tests showed zones of inhibition ranging from 8 to 11 mm, while no prominent zones of inhibition were observed in antifungal tests. The DPPH assay demonstrated significant antioxidant properties of Citron fruit peel extract compared to the standard ascorbic acid. The Chloroform extract of citron fruit peel exhibited significant cytotoxic properties against FaDu (human hypopharyngeal tumour) cell line. The present study indicates the potential of the chloroform extract of C. medica fruit peel to be employed as an anthelmintic, antibacterial, antioxidant and anticancer agent. Hence, it emphasises the prominence that can be given to the dietary consumption of citrus fruit peel in various forms, such as dried peel, powder etc.
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