Enhancing the Sustainability of Oil Palm Plantations Through the Application of Principles and Adaptive Management of High Conservation Value Areas in Central Kalimantan
Adaptive Management, High Conservation Value Areas, Oil Palm, Principles, SustainabilityAbstract
The rapid development of oil palm plantations raises environmental issues related to biodiversity and conservation. Thus, a holistic and integrated approach is needed to manage high conservation values (HCV). This holistic and integrated approach involves various stakeholders in implementing sustainability principles. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of applying the principles and evaluating the adaptive management practices of HCV areas applied to oil palm plantations. The research was conducted on an oil palm plantation in Seruyan District, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, with HCV 1 – 5 criteria covering an area of 5379 ha. Employing an observational method, the data were collected via field observations and interviews with relevant stakeholders, including oil palm plantation management, environmental organizations and local communities. The findings show that by protecting HCV, oil palm plantations can operate sustainably and reduce environmental negative impacts. The application of the principles of HCV areas in the company involves identifying, assessing and protecting areas with high ecological, social, and cultural values. These are then used as the basis for recommendations for adaptive management in oil palm plantations. Through adaptive management, oil palm plantations can adapt their practices to local conditions, reduce negative impacts, assess impacts, and take appropriate steps according to the conditions. The success of adaptive management carried out by the company can be seen based on data on the decline in HCV openings and the maintenance of HCV 1 - 5 areas. Thus, by applying adaptive principles and management, oil palm plantations in Central Kalimantan can increase sustainability, protect the environment, and provide sustainable social and economic benefits. Having important implications for the palm oil industry, this research can be used as a guide in policy-making that supports the development of environmentally responsible oil palm plantations.
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