Mapping coconut plantation in Western Agro-Climatic zone using object-based classification and machine learning technique




Area mapping, change detection, coconut, Landsat 7, machine learning, object-based classification


Coconut (Cocos nucifera), a key crop for over 10 million farming families in India, is vital in the agricultural economies of southern states like Tamil Nadu. However, traditional methods of monitoring coconut plantations are challenging due to the crop's geographical dispersion and seasonal variations. This study focuses on mapping coconut plantations in the Western Agro-Climatic Zone of Tamil Nadu using Object-Based Classification (OBC) and machine learning techniques. A ten-year time series of Landsat 7 optical satellite data (2012-2013 and 2022-2023) was employed, combined with ground truth surveys across the region. The study utilized Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers, with RF demonstrating superior accuracy. The RF classifier achieved an accuracy of 91.7% in 2012-2013 and 90.3% in 2022-2023, outperforming SVM, which hovered around 70%. The research also conducted a change detection analysis, revealing a net increase of 3,270 hectares of coconut plantations over the decade, with the Coimbatore district contributing the most significant growth of 2,560 hectares. This study underscores the effectiveness of integrating OBC and machine learning, mainly RF, for accurate and efficient mapping of coconut plantations using Landsat satellite data.


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How to Cite

Nithya SV, Ragunath K, Pazhanivelan S, Kumaraperumal R, Latha P. Mapping coconut plantation in Western Agro-Climatic zone using object-based classification and machine learning technique. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from:

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