Nutritional enhancement and genetic innovations in sweet corn: unlocking super sweetness and health benefits through modern breeding technique– A review




Biofortification, omics technology, genetic diversity, marker assisted selection


Sweet corn originated from Mesoamerica around 10,000 years ago; sweet corn’s distinctiveness lies in its genetic mutations sugary1 (su1), shrunken2 (sh2), and sugary enhancer1 (se1) that enhance kernel sweetness by inhibiting the average sugar-to-starch conversion. This transformation from an ancient staple to a globally beloved vegetable highlights sweet corn’s adaptability, high yield potential, and nutritional benefits, including its role as a source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Advances in biofortification and genetic research have further enriched its nutritional profile, positioning sweet corn as a nutraceutical crop capable of addressing global nutritional deficiencies. Modern breeding techniques, including marker-assisted selection and omics technologies, have significantly accelerated the development of varieties with improved traits such as disease resistance, stress tolerance, and enhanced nutritional quality. Additionally, it is important to conserve sweet corn's genetic diversity for future crop improvement and adaptation. High-throughput phenotyping and genome-editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 have further accelerated sweet corn breeding, offering a sustainable solution to enhance yield and quality. This exploration shows sweet corn's agricultural importance, its potential to fight nutritional challenges, and the role of scientific advancements in securing its future as a valuable and versatile crop. This detailed review explores the history, genetic diversity, nutritional value, and modern advancements in the cultivation and breeding of sweet corn.


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How to Cite

Karanam BT, Kumari VN, Sivakumar S, Vanitha K, Meenakshi P, Himakara DM, Rawat P. Nutritional enhancement and genetic innovations in sweet corn: unlocking super sweetness and health benefits through modern breeding technique– A review. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];11(sp4). Available from: