
Rice yield predictions using remote sensing and machine learning algorithms: A review




crop yield, machine learning, remote sensing, rice yield, yield prediction


Crop yield prediction is becoming increasingly crucial due to global food security concerns, as highlighted by recent reports from the World Health Organization. Accurate early predictions can mitigate famine risks by estimating food supply, which is essential for 820 million people facing hunger globally. Rice is the primary staple food consumed worldwide; therefore, global rice yield and rice area are monitored using emerging technologies such as remote sensing (RS) and machine learning (ML). These technologies provide valuable tools for enhancing rice yield predictions. RS includes critical information on crop health, soil conditions and weather patterns. In contrast, ML algorithms analyze these datasets to identify patterns and relationships that affect yield. Integrating these technologies offers promising improvements in yield forecasting accuracy, with applications showing successful yield predictions 1-3 months before harvest. Various ML techniques, including Random Forest, Support Vector Machines and deep learning models such as LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory), have been employed, often in combination with RS data. However, these models face challenges, such as data quality, managing high-dimensional RS data and accounting for spatial and temporal variability. Despite these challenges, integrating RS and ML has significant potential for advancing precision agriculture and achieving sustainable food production. This study explores the advancements, practical applications and challenges associated with using RS and ML for rice yield prediction, emphasizing the importance of these technologies in addressing global food security and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.



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06-02-2025 — Updated on 07-02-2025


How to Cite

Ajay PM, Ragunath KP, Pazhanivelan S, Muthumanickam D, Sivamurugan AP, Vanitha G. Rice yield predictions using remote sensing and machine learning algorithms: A review. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];. Available from:



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