Role of farm size in adopting salinity-tolerant paddy varieties: A study in coastal districts of Tamil Nadu




causes of adoption index, farm size, salinity tolerant varieties, socio -economic factors, sustainability


The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the causes of salinity, farmers' preferences, and the adoption rates of salt-tolerant rice varieties with an emphasis on how farm size and socioeconomic variables impact these decisions. The study employs an ex-post facto research approach to investigate the cause-and-effect relationship between farm features and the adoption of various salinity-tolerant cultivars. A total of 210 farmers were selected using snowball sampling to evaluate their adoption patterns. The results indicate that marginal farmers predominantly adopt varieties like TPS-5, TRY-3, and KKL(R)-1 due to their adaptability to small-scale farming under salinity stress. Conversely, TRY-1 is more favoured by larger farms, while small-scale farmers prefer TRY-5 as a viable salinity-tolerant option. The analysis, conducted using a One-Way ANOVA test, reveals a significant relationship between farm size and variety adoption, with socio-economic factors playing a critical role in shaping these preferences. These findings may assist policymakers and agricultural extension agencies understand the importance of providing farmers with the information, tools, and social support they require to enhance the adoption of specific varieties.


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27-12-2024 — Updated on 01-01-2025


How to Cite

Manikandan S, Premavathi R, Kannan V, Janaki P, Selvi R. Role of farm size in adopting salinity-tolerant paddy varieties: A study in coastal districts of Tamil Nadu. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];12(1). Available from:



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