
Opportunities and challenges in the adoption of protected technologies in horticultural crops




adoption barriers, climate change, protected cultivation, strategies for adoption


Protected cultivation techniques have the potential to significantly enhance agricultural productivity and economic security, particularly for vegetable and flower growers in India. These techniques optimize environmental conditions, improving the quality and quantity of yields. However, their adoption is hindered by high initial setup costs, technical complexities and limited awareness and training. Personal factors such as age, education level, farming experience, household size and social and economic factors like access to extension services, cosmopolitanism, credit availability and landholding size play a key role in adoption rates. The area under protected cultivation in India has expanded to approximately 70,000 hectares, highlighting the significant potential for growth. Despite this expansion, adoption rates remain moderate, with many farmers failing to implement essential practices, such as soil solarization and climate control systems, particularly in regions like Tamil Nadu. Practical solutions such as comprehensive training programs, regionspecific adaptable polyhouse designs and strengthened extension services are crucial to overcoming these barriers. In states like Rajasthan and Gujarat, where harsh climatic conditions prevail, customized polyhouse designs tailored to local environments have successfully improved productivity. Furthermore, financial support mechanisms, including increased subsidies and accessible credit, are necessary to encourage broader adoption. There is also a need for region-specific research to develop polyhouse designs that cater to the diverse climatic conditions across India. This study aims to enhance the understanding of agricultural innovation adoption and provide actionable insights into improving the adoption of protected cultivation technologies.


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How to Cite

Sheeba SM, Nirmala Devi M, Premavathi R, Shanmugasundaram KA, Dheebakaran G, Vanitha G. Opportunities and challenges in the adoption of protected technologies in horticultural crops. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];. Available from:



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