More than rubber: Exploring the benefits and practicalities of diverse intercropping systems in rubber plantations




rubber, agroforestry, crop diversification, intercrop, livelihood enhancement


Conventional monocrop rubber farming, while profitable, has led to significant environmental and socio-economic issues. These include deforestation, reduced soil fertility, loss of biodiversity, and increased carbon emissions. Economically, smallholder farmers face risks due to fluctuating rubber prices and income dependency on a single crop. This situation has resulted in low incomes, labour shortages, and, in some cases, abandonment of rubber plantations. Intercropping, or modern rubber agroforestry, offers a promising solution to these challenges. This approach involves planting other crops or trees alongside rubber, increasing revenue, enhancing soil properties, conserving moisture, reducing erosion and improving overall rubber crop yield. Various crops such as fruits (Salaca palm, gnetum, banana and lemon), vegetables (Cucumber, arrowroot, french bean, chilli, mung bean, broad leaf pumpkin, yam, cowpea and egusi melon), spices (Ginger, turmeric, coriander, fenugreek, black pepper, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg) and medicinal plants (Sarpagandha, kalmegh, lesser galangal, satavar and long pepper) can be successfully grown with rubber. However, implementing intercropping systems comes with challenges, including potential adverse effects on rubber growth and yield if not appropriately managed. Farmers must implement good agricultural practices and integrated farming strategies to achieve sustainable economic and ecological benefits from rubber-based intercropping. This includes careful selection of cultivars, optimal planting and spacing, regular maintenance and balanced fertilizer application. This review explored essential intercropping practices and highlighted successful case studies within rubber plantations. While more complex than traditional monocropping, a well-managed intercropping system can provide diverse income sources, improve agro-biodiversity and contribute to more sustainable rubber farming practices.


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19-11-2024 — Updated on 23-11-2024


How to Cite

Sabarivasan M, Jasmine AJ, Ashokkumar G, Rajakumar D, Anitha T, Manigandan K, Sivakumar K, Nirmalatha J, Suji DB. More than rubber: Exploring the benefits and practicalities of diverse intercropping systems in rubber plantations. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];11(4). Available from:



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