Effect of lipid-polysaccharide edible coatings on enhancing shelf life and quality of guava (Arka Kiran)
Arka Kiran, pre-harvest, post-harvest, storage, shelf life, qualityAbstract
The physicochemical properties of guava (Arka Kiran) fruits were examined in relation to pre- and post-harvest treatments, both individually and in combination, using various edible compounds, including hexanal, chitosan, and salicylic acid. The fruits were treated with different concentrations of hexanal (2%), chitosan (1%), and salicylic acid (500 ppm) and assessed for various physico–chemical parameters. In the storage study, guava fruits treated with these edible compounds were stored under both ambient conditions (30°C ± 1°C) and cold storage conditions (10 ± 2°C). The fruits treated with 2% hexanal demonstrated the most significant improvements in quality-related parameters under cold storage and ambient conditions. The combination of pre-harvest spray and post-harvest treatments using 2% hexanal in cold storage significantly delayed physiological weight loss (24.55%), preserved total soluble solids (10.25 ºBrix), and maintained ascorbic acid content (135.05µg) by the 18th day of the storage period. Furthermore, pre-and post-harvest treatment with chitosan under cold storage conditions significantly enhanced the retention of antioxidant activity and phenolic content in guava fruit. Overall, the treatment with 2% hexanal proved to be the most effective in regulating physicochemical changes and improving the storage quality of guava fruits.
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