Nutrient recycling through composting: Harnessing agricultural wastes for sustainable crop production




Agricultural wastes, composting, microorganisms, soil fertility


Composting repurposes agricultural waste into organic fertilizer, reducing dependence on chemical alternatives while enhancing soil health. Compost supports long-term fertility by improving the physical, biological, and chemical properties of the soil. Crop residues in fields contribute to humus formation and provide essential nutrients for future crops. Incorporating these residues into the soil stimulates microbial activity, which results in improved soil vitality. Research consistently demonstrates that recycling residues enhances the physical, chemical, and biological health of the soil. Managing crop residues offers sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for meeting crop nutrient needs and improving yields. Microorganisms play a crucial role in breaking down agricultural waste, into compost that boosts soil fertility and health. This process leads to increased agricultural productivity. It is essential for farmers, particularly in developing countries, to understand the complexities and benefits of composting. The rising global population has intensified the demand for food, leading to increased agricultural production. However, this growth also generates large amounts of waste, posing environmental and health risks. Composting offers more than just a soil amendment; it represents a vital approach to sustainable farming practices. By converting agricultural residues into nutrient-rich compost, farmers can mitigate the environmental impact of waste while improving the health and productivity of their soil. It examines how composting agricultural waste into nutrient-rich organic fertilizer enhances soil health, reduces dependence on chemical inputs, and promotes sustainable farming. It also investigates the role of microorganisms in improving soil fertility and productivity while addressing the environmental impact of agricultural waste.


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How to Cite

Sathiyapriya S, Prabhaharan J, Sheeba S, Anandham R, Ilamaran M. Nutrient recycling through composting: Harnessing agricultural wastes for sustainable crop production. Plant Sci. Today [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];11(sp4). Available from:

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